The Big East Powersports Show is back for 2021, with new attractions, more vendors, a big new addition, celebrity appearances and more in the works.
The combined wind-down of pandemic-related restrictions and growth in enthusiasm for motorized recreation are expected to create optimal conditions for snowmobilers and other motorheads to gather again at big shows and events this summer and fall – including the Big East Powersports Show in Syracuse, New York.
Organizers of the Big East – the largest indoor snowmobile show in the Northeast that had been on a 27-year run before last year’s COVID-related cancellation – have announced that plans are full-steam ahead for a larger and more interactive event this fall. Show dates are October 1-3. All four snowmobile manufacturers have committed to displaying at the show, plus there will be more reasons to attend than ever before. Advance tickets are currently on sale here – with special buy-one, get-one-free ticketing through the end of July.

The show is owned and operated by the snowmobile staff at EPG Media & Specialty Information LLC, which also owns Snow Goer.
For 2021, the Big East Powersports Show moves into the Expo Center facility on the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, which will provide opportunities for the show to expand in a larger, more modern facility.
New attractions are also being added for 2021. The high-caliber “Big East Classic” vintage snowmobile show will be spread out in a broad area in front of the Expo Center building. It is expected to draw more than 100 entries, showcasing the best vehicles from snowmobiling’s golden era. Meanwhile, inside the building the expanded Snow Goer Stage – presented in partnership with the New York State Snowmobile Association – will have celebrity interviews, seminars, awards presentations and more.
Two of those celebrities scheduled to appear are Polaris/Red Bull athlete and loveable stuntman Levi LaVallee, plus Ski-Doo super-ambassador Dave Norona. Other names will be added soon.
Show sales manager Mark Rosacker said the return and expansion of the show is a sign of a return to normalcy for the high-energy snowmobile business.

“I think the snowmobile shows are important because, in a niche market like snowmobiling, they provide a great place for enthusiasts to get together to not only look at and buy product but also socialize and be around people with the same interest,” Rosacker said.
Exhibitors are already signing up to display at the fall event, and according to Rosacker the sales have been brisk.
“Companies that utilize shows to their fullest extent get lots of benefits besides just selling a product,” Rosacker said. “In-person shows provide an opportunity for vendors to interact with consumers and ask them about what they like and don’t like – it’s really a focus group, so to speak, in a non-threatening, fun environment. Plus it’s a great way to let consumer put a face on the companies, and let them see that the business owners are often just as passionate about the sport as they are.”
Most folks in the Northeast know the Big East for its showcase of snowmobiling, but that’s not all that can be found at the show. The work “Powersports” is in the title for a reason – there’s a high crossover between snowmobilers and ownership of UTVs, ATVs, motorcycles and more.
Tickets are current on sale at www.bigeastpowersportsshow.com.