Exciting new guest speakers, a returning swap meet, several new exhibitors, a Friday night snowmobilers party and much more promise to make this year’s Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Expo in Denver one of the best ever. Dates are Friday, October 7, and Saturday, October 8, at the National Western Complex.
This will be the 36th time in the last 37 years (with the 2020 COVID year being the exception) that snowmobilers have gathered at the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Expo in Denver to get geared up and psyched up for the coming winter.
The indoor Expo brings the snowmobile world all together under one roof – with model year 2023 snowmobiles at factory displays plus more than 50 vendor displays. Some of those vendors are selling everything from riding gear to performance parts, others are talking about trailers or avalanche safety equipment, and many others are sharing new and interesting places to ride and visit.
Being able to shop for and try on the new gear, consider mods for your sleds, and check out other displays is just one of the many reasons to come to the Expo, however.
Listen & Learn

As per usual, educational seminars hosted by the Colorado Snowmobile Association (CSA) is another great reason to come to the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Expo. And this year, seminar organizer Steven Marlenee has really outdone himself by bringing in extremely interesting people to share their knowledge.
The list of speakers includes top backcountry riding stars like Brett Rasmussen, Chris Burandt, Stef Dean, Matt Entz, Jeremy Mercier, Dan Adams, Brandon “TuDizzle” Cox and more.
Also included are performance specialists like Eric Woog and Tom Kobza, avalanche awareness and safety trainers including Mike Duffy, Brian Lundstedt and Dustin Pancheri and survival specialists from the 10th Special Forces Group.
There will be behind-the-scenes seminars on the making of Thunderstruck videos and tips to making the most out of your own photo, a land access seminar, radio communications tips and more.
Party, Swap Or Do Both!

Each day of the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Expo has its own special event again this year.
The Colorado Snowmobile Association (CSA) last year hosted its own 50th Anniversary Party on Friday night at the end of the show hours, celebrating 50 years of organized snowmobiling in the state. It was such a great way to wrap up the Friday of the show that they are doing it again this year, even without a round anniversary number.
The “celebration of snowmobiling and snowmobilers,” as organizers are informally calling it, will include fellowship, food, silent auction, live auction and more.
Then on Saturday, the outdoor swap meet is again going to be a part of the event, but with some new energy behind it. Originally, the Colorado Snowmobile Association wasn’t planning to host their annual swap because they didn’t have anybody to take charge of it. Then just with the last week Eric Natelborg and Wildcat Mountain Motorsports put this thing back on the tracks, much to the delight of both those who like to annual sell their used sleds and gear at the swap and those who like to come and shop for such gear.
The swap will start on Saturday with show hours at 9 a.m. and will wrap up in the afternoon – with a hard-stop at 4 p.m. For more information, go to this link.

Fun All Over
Whether you’re shopping for gear, checking out what’s new, picking up riding tips or just there to hang out with people who share your love of snowmobiling and/or snow biking, the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Expo is a great way to kick off your riding pre-season. Again, it’s October 7-8 in Denver. Go here for advance tickets, directions and other details. The show is produced by EPG Brand Acceleration, the parent company of Snow Goer magazine.