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Crazy ’bout A Mercury? (Snowmobile, That Is)

With apologies to country music star Alan Jackson, did you ever consider buying yourself a Mercury and cruising up and down the trail?

Mercury snowmobiles had a certain allure, and we recently stumbled across a mini treasure trove of memories when we unearthed the media kit from the 1970 Kiekhaefer Mercury snowmobiles in the back room of the Snow Goer offices.

The only photos provided in the media kit were the black-and-white images shown below, but they still capture the sleds, and the glorified lifestyle sled makers tried to portray at the time, in illustrious fashion. The captions on each photo below are the ones taped to the pictures in the media kit, produced at Kiekhaefer Mercury’s Public Relations department in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

Enjoy the memories — maybe with the Mercury Crazy song by Jackson playing in the background.

One of seven models in the 1970 Mercury snow vehicle line is this 25-hp Merc 250E (electric starting). Other offerings include: Mercury 200M, Mercury 220M and Mercury 250M, all manual start machines; Merc 220E, an electric start model; and Mercury 220ER and Mercury 250ER, electric starting machines with direct reverse.
Fun-loving couples enjoy snowmobiling for exhilarating moments… and as a means for a few moments along together away from the crowd. This 25-hp Mercury Rocket has a 339cc displacement.
The 25-hp Mercury 250E is one of four electric starting models offered for 1970 by Kiekhaefer Mercury. All can be started manually with an automatic rewind starter and with an emergency rope starter.
One of three models in a new 25-hp class from Kiekhaefer Mercury is this Mercury 250E, an electric starting machine which features Thunderbolt breakerless ignition for reliable starts in all weather conditions and six-inch wide skis for maximum stability and flotation in all types of snow.
Top of the line for 1970 from Kiekhaefer Mercury is this 25-hp Mercury 250ER, an electric starting model with direct reversing.

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