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Snowmobile Wedding / 17 below

Editors Note: We rarely print stories sent in by readers but this one was too good not to share. Congrats Jay & Suzanne.

Jay M. Sumner and his die-hard snowmobiling buddies are a bunch of cool guys. But when Jay and Suzanne planned their wedding for February 18th, 2006, the weather in Maine was the most erratic and anything but cool.

The wedding was scheduled in Rumford, Maine but snow was not in the forecast. Snow was an imperative ingredient as the wedding party was traveling by snowmobiles.

Jay scrimped and saved to have the wedding and machine of his dreams. The 2006 SkiDoo Mach Z 1000 was shiny, new, and ready to go. As the wedding day came closer, the weather grew warmer. The wedding in Rumford had to be cancelled

Fifty miles from the Canadian border and 9 1/2 hours away, two feet of left over Christmas snow persisted in Ashland, Maine. With only five days of preparation and a lot of excitement for the wedding party, the wedding was planned for Saturday morning on a mountain top.

The Friday afternoon before the wedding, it rained and rained and rained. The mountain top was washed out. Townspeople raced around to find a suitable site for the ceremony…any land with snow!

Saturday morning and a temperature of seventeen below zero did not impede the determined group. The wedding took place and a frostbitten left ear was had by all.

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