Some very popular snowmobile riding areas in Wyoming are being threatened, and the sport needs your help in providing regulator and lawmakers with your input if we’re going to be able to ride there long-term.
The riding areas in question are in the Shoshone National Forest, which includes popular destinations like Togwotee, Dubois and the Beartooth Mountains — locations that are not just popular with locals but rather snowmobilers who travel to the mountain west from across the country.
The following message was sent out via email from the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA) this morning. The public comment period wraps up very quickly — on September 28 — so if you are so-inclined, please take action now. It’s also easy to do — by clicking on the links, you’ll get to the response backed by the Wyoming State Snowmobile Association, which you can email to the appropriate authorities.
Here’s ACSA’s enews:
Shoshone Forest Comments Needed
The Shoshone National Forest has released a travel management plan that could close popular snowmobiling areas. Public comments are being accepted.
We need you to submit a comment letter! Just Click Here
Three main plans were designed for the public to comment on by September 28th.
Currently the Shoshone only allows snowmobiling in 20 percent of the Forest! There are only 882 miles of public roads in the 2.4 million acre forest — only 522,000 acres of land are open to Over Snow Vehicles.
The Shoshone is home to Togwotee, Beartooths, Dubois and Lander.
If you have ever ridden this area — or ever hope to ride it some day, please take 2 minutes to submit this comment letter by Clicking Here
This travel management plan revision started over 5 years ago, and the Shoshone saw most of their staff turn over during those years. The Wyoming State Snowmobile Association has been involved in this process from the very beginning and has worked hard to develop this letter for you to comment, all you have to do to help is Click Here
Comments from the snowmobile community are so very important and will help shape this travel plan. Without your input, snowmobiling could drastically change!! Even more limitations and restrictions may be imposed, with more areas closed to snowmobiling. Your input is important, please Click Here to send your letter.