We’re willing to give the shirt off of our back OR the book out of our bookcase for the first person who can figure out the origins of this advertisement.
This ad ran in Snow Goer magazine sometime in the past. That’s not much of a hint, because Snow Goer was the first national snowmobiling magazine, with its first issue printed way back in December of 1966, so it could be from just about any point in the last 46 years.
To win, you merely have to be the first person to name the brand that placed the ad, and the machine they were boasting about, in the comment section below. Sorry, no further hints will be given — let the guessing begin! The winning entry gets their choice of a Snow Goer T-shirt or a copy of the famous “Warriors Of Winter” book. Remember, you can’t win if you don’t enter!
LEGAL COPY: Must be alive to enter. Residents of Aruba are not eligible, just because. If you worked for the brand that placed the ad, please don’t scream out the answer, let somebody else win. We actually won’t give you the shirt off of our back, we’ll give you a brand new one, unless of course you’re into that sort of thing. Snow Goer magazine rocks, every other snowmobile magazine stinks. Go ahead and click on the ad to make it bigger, if you think that’ll help.

no outer ski tracks… I’m going with AD Boivin Snow Hawk.
tracked groomer
Polaris Apollo (?)
Nobody has nailed it so far…
John deere
arctic cat mountain king cat
Shotgun approach, eh Gary? Nope, naw, no, uh-uh and No-Sireee on those five guesses.
Sno Bunny?
Jac trac?
Ridge Runner?
Play Cat?
Passe Par Tout ?
OMC’s Cushman Trackster?
Snow Clipper?
Woody’s? (for traction products)
2003 yamaha RX1
2003 ski doo rev
We have a winner, and it’s not Gary “guess every brand I’ve ever heard of” Olthoff… The ad appeared on the back cover of the March 2002 issue of Snow Goer (which mailed in December of 2001). The cover of the magazine screamed “The REVolution Is HERE” and featured a really cool looking guy (OK, a dweeb — me) riding a pre-production MX Z 600 in the original REV chassis in Utah. The ad in question, however, is NOT for the REV. It’s a teaser ad from Yamaha announcing that, on January 16, 2002, something big was going to happen. That was the launch of the first performance four-stroke for snowmobiles, the RX-1. Congratulations to Iowegian Jeff Noon (although he did cover his bases a bit by guessing both sleds!). Thanks to everybody else for playing.
good job Jeff!!!
I should get something though for narrowing the search down for him!
OMG I WON!!!! Thank you SnowGoer!!! Sorry Gary, maybe next time…
just dont where the new shirt to work and get shiz stains all over it.
That was the year before the monobustalot!
Going to say It was run in the January 1970 issue for Ski-Doo?, since the moon landing took place I’m pretty sure in December of 1969. Hence the saying One small step…..
2003 Yamaha RX1 1000cc four stroke ad.
Mercury Sno-Twister