One man is a factory official: The other three are Hall-Of-Fame level racers who dominated their sport in the 1980s. All four continue to be involved in the powersports market today. The question for you is, who are these mystery men?!
One of the advantages of working at the Snow Goer office is we have an endless array of photos stashed in various compartments around our building. It’s also one of the disadvantages, because it leads me to hours upon hours of “wasted” time when I go looking for something.
In this case, our Art Director Randy Kepner was seeking a classic photo for a layout for an upcoming issue of Snow Goer. That sent me to the basement files, and that in turn burned led me to burning far too many hours paging through old images. Part of the problem is that our files are quite disorganized, so finding exactly what you’re looking for quickly is next to impossible. The larger problem, however, is that once I start looking at this stuff, I can’t walk away — it’s got an unrivaled magnetic pull. I often forget what originally sent me to the photo files and instead just get amused by all of the other things that I stumble across.
I posted two images on the Snow Goer Facebook page today featuring some classic race teams featuring brothers — each is now posted below. But now it’s time for a real contest. Be the first person to name all four people in the top photo and you’ll win a Snow Goer T-shirt, and unrivaled bragging rights. We’re accepting answers in the “comment” section below.
Have at it.
Jim Wergin, Steve Houle, TIm Bender,?????
Jim Kedinger, Yamaha Race Mgr, Bob Donahue, Steve Houle, Tim Bender
Jerry is right on! Now what year was that? 1984?
I think the pz SX was more 1985
I had Bender, Houle, and Donahue, but didn’t know the Yamaha rep. Jerry, you have probably forgotten more details about this sport than most of us will ever know!
I could be wrong on this one, but I believe if you look to the background on the Goodwin’s shot, the man standing next to a “stocker” Ski Doo is Mr. Wayne Nicholson. He is from New York and was the Gentleman who raced with the “furry ” boots. I could be wrong, but it sure looks like a young Wayne.
I think all those shots were from the same setting, I believe it was the ISR Press Conference held annually in fall back in the day. Perhaps one that was held in Minneapolis. Room doesn’t look like the one we used in Milwaukee.
Jerry I am looking at the Goodwin picture with my phone and it doesn’t look like Wayne? He was a true gentelman. I know all the racers and recognized the yammi rep but didn’t know his name. I like this trivia please continue.