Classic Snow Week Issues Recall Great Racing Memories

Perhaps the meanest thing somebody can do to us is to call or email with a question about snowmobile racing’s past. It’s not so much that we don’t like talking about and researching the sport’s colorful history — in fact, the problem is the exact opposite.

Once we start paging through past issues of the fabulous old Snow Week newsprint publication, we can’t stop! After thinking, “I can find that answer in a back issue in 10 minutes,” we disappear into the back room of our offices. Sure, we often find the answer we were seeking relatively quickly, but then something else in an issue catches our eye, and then something else again.

Suddenly we want to know all of the details about a particular event from that year; we get lost in the long-form race coverage, the cool photos, even the Racewire section with all of the race results in agate form are too much for us to turn away from. We get intrigued by seeing the names of folks racing the Juniors class on any given circuit who later become stars, and love digging into the Holeshots sections to see what the breaking news was at the time.

Minutes become hours, and hours become entire afternoons. The next thing you know, the day is burned up and the pile of work back at our desk has only grown taller!

Well, we’re now sharing a bunch of those memories, via the Snow Goer Store website. On it, we’re selling old issues of magazines for folks to enjoy, at a fraction of the cost they’re selling for on ebay. Typically, we only have about five individual issues of each item listed for sale on our store site — they were our original “office copies” we’d get from the printer in envelopes, so they are in perfect shape. We’re now putting them up for sale, and once they are gone, they’re gone.

Whenever we put a new issue on the store website, we mark it down for the first couple of weeks to give first buyers a break. This week, we added six new issues of Snow Week — one from the 1980s and five from the 1990s — that include coverage of epic events like Haydays, Eagle River, the Soo I-500, the Grand Prix de Valcourt, the Duluth Snocross, the Canterbury Snocross, Grantsburg, the ISR World Series of Drags and more. Enjoy.

Editor’s Note: Every Snow Goer issue includes in-depth sled reports and comparisons, aftermarket gear and accessories reviews, riding destination articles, do-it-yourself repair information, snowmobile technology and more. Subscribe to Snow Goer now to receive print and/or digital issues.

4 thoughts on “Classic Snow Week Issues Recall Great Racing Memories

  • Avatar for Ed Delaney

    I have all the snow week papers from around 1976 to the mid 90s.

  • Avatar for Ed Delaney

    I have all the snow week magazines from 1976 to the mid 90s. I would be willing to sell at the right price.

    • Avatar for Gordon Niemi

      I would like to have a copy of Hay days 2003 And a copy of the issue that covered the Eagle River World Championship in 1971, when the Trapp cousins came in 1st and 2nd with their 433 Yamahas beating out Yvon Duhamel on an 800 ski doo.

      • Due to a move by our parent company and a related office space crunch, we no longer have any back issues available. Your best bet is to monitor ebay.


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