8 Classic Photos From The 1998 Snocross Debut At The X Games

When the ESPN franchise X Games decided to include snowmobile events starting in 1998, the decision was almost universally met with great joy by snowmobiling insiders.

What an awesome way to expose our sport to the public in general, and specifically target a younger generation, many folks enthusiastically stated. Optimists predicted a massive boom in both snowmobile racing and in snowmobile sales in general. The sky was the limit!

Of course, the X Games was just one of many factors that were affecting the snowmobiling world at the time. A couple of particularly warm/dry winters across much of the Snowbelt, some economic challenges, the echo effect of the 9/11 attacks and other issues were also at hand. And thus, snowmobile sales were actually at their modern peak in 1996 through 1998 and would fall off dramatically over the next dozen years, despite continued X Games exposure. (Worldwide snowmobile sales went from 231,444 units in 1998 to just 86,269 in 2010. Since then they’ve stabilized at about 100,000 units per year.)

So did the X Games do anything to help snowmobile sales? We’ll never know the real effect.

Either way, when scanning roughly 2.74 billion (?!) old slides over the summer with the help of former Polaris, Scorpion and Yamaha corporate big shot Greg Marier, we stumbled across some photos our staff at the time took during practice at the 1998 X Games 1998 event. Most are from the same angle because the zealots who controlled the grounds at X Games severely limited where photographers could stand.

That said, they still bring back great memories from a really fun era. Enjoy.

Kurtis Crapo
An XC 700 in snocross?! Insiders were more intrigued by the unique front and rear suspension geometry than the letters on the hood of the Pro Open sled run by Kurtis Crapo.
X Games starting line
The starting line at the made-for-TV event.
Jumpin Jason Jones
Idaho’s Jumpin’ Jason Jones was a popular figure at the time on the No. 14 Arctic Cat, but he may still best be known for being landed upon at the X Games that year by David Brown in a scary looking video.
Jim Beck
Jim Beck Jr. decided to use X Games practice to show off for the trackside photographers!
Toni Haikonen
Toni Haikonen was all smiles after winning the gold medal at the first X Games snocross event.
Justin Tate
Justin Tate is the only snocross racer from this era who is still competing. He won the Soo I-500 two years ago.
X Games Start
Some familiar numbers in this crew!
Ray Schlegel
Ray Schlegel, the popular independent.

3 thoughts on “8 Classic Photos From The 1998 Snocross Debut At The X Games

  • Avatar for KingCat

    How could the “echo effects” of 9/11/2001 be known at the 1998 Winter X games? Asking for a friend.

    • Absolutely nobody. Re-read the story… “Of course, the X Games was just one of many factors that were affecting the snowmobiling world at the time. A couple of particularly warm/dry winters across much of the Snowbelt, some economic challenges, the echo effect of the 9/11 attacks and other issues were also at hand. And thus…” So… the sales didn’t boom in the wake of the X Games debut, but the X Games weren’t the only factor that affected the snowmobile world, it couldn’t be isolated to that one thing.

      • Avatar for Rolfe Otterness

        It was certainly a high profile event. Too bad it is gone. The Winter X Games are generally pretty boring now.


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