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Snowmobile Racing Challenge


Welcome to Snow Goer magazine’s Fantasy Snowmobile Racing Challenge game – featuring fantasy sports fun based on the results of snowmobile races! It’s easy to play, fun and free: Snowmobile racing fans earn points based on their predictions and can win in individual rounds and/or by winning the season points championships. Read the rules below, then give it a try!

The Rules:

There will be two separate games, each with multiple rounds, based on Snocross and Oval racing events. Separate points will be kept in each form of racing, and there will be a champion for each – play one, or play both!

For each race, players will predict the finishing order (top 6 in snocross, top 5 in ovals), utilizing pull-down windows that lists the names of the racers who are expected to compete in the chosen race.

If a player correctly selects the position of a racer (whether correctly selecting a given racer to finish first, third or fifth, for example) he or she will gain 20 points for that selection. If a racer finishes close to the predicted finishing position, the player will earn a varying amount of points based on this formula:

  • Driver in correct position = 20 points
  • Driver finishes 1 position off of the prediction = 15 points
  • Driver finishes 2 positions off = 14 points
  • Driver finishes 3 positions off = 13 points
  • Driver finishes 4 positions off = 12 points
  • Driver finishes 5 positions off = 11 points
  • Driver finishes 6 or more positions off = 0 points

Players only receive points for racers who finish in the Top 6 at the event, and once a player’s picks for a given round are made, they are final; the player cannot go back in and change them.


 Race Schedule:

Here are the planned races. In snocross, each round is based on the last Pro class final of the weekend on the ISOC Amsoil Championship Series. In the event of a moto/Triple Crown format, the points will be based upon points that drivers  earned in the three finals, leading to a final finishing order for the evening. In ovals, we’ll have a singular game based on the Eagle River World Championship. Below are the dates. Click here to go to the ovals game.


  • Dec. 16, Ironwood, Michigan
  • Jan. 13, Shakopee, Minnesota
  • Jan. 27, Deadwood, South Dakota
  • Feb. 11, Valcourt, Quebec
  • Feb. 17, Salamanca, New York
  • March 2, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • March 16, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
  • March 23, Elk River, Minnesota
  • April 7, Duluth, Minnesota



PLEASE NOTE: When you sign up each week to make your predictions,
always make sure to use the same sign-in name and email address so
your points can be added to your season total.


Entry for 2024 Fantasy Snowmobile Racing Challenge Game
No races available in this championship.
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Position 5
Position 6


This season’s standings (2024):

2024 Fantasy Snowmobile Racing Challenge Game

Bonnstetter4681 8059417810010006566589
RMT2 108555157758007758561
Tom Luoma3 100413290887905859547
Austin B4 84454172768807556537
RET5 87613979776705959528
Christopher Williams6 57705456718207760527
Brad Smolinski7 72425664828705961523
Russell Miller8 752927631068207358513
Stormin9 85494248715307661485
Janet De Zorzi10 64294771659005656478
RMT44011 24556280924705558473
Bruce Gaspardi Jr11 8404164787506566473
RET60011 47293875706107578473
JoeJ14 70346863705306450472
DET60015 63433952848304749460
RET85016 6054437773880064459
Rich Kingsley17 62443874528206541458
Rylan85018 7544476270860069453
BG32719 60284075756806343452
Tony Mutascio20 60416171665706727450
John Prusak21 6704279706306065446
DET22 63493244906104759445
Rylan22 7548394487760076445
rylan15124 67623844624805860439
Parker Krumm25 6048590806205942410
Dan De Zorzi26 66284050546306541407
J Dog27 540520699406761397
philthy28 4004048608206460394
Eric Swenson29 044079687207356392
Buckshot30 00065679607158357
Snoxr107x30 6403744485506148357
Roads42032 005558756806335354
Snowmobilingpodcast33 700544354680064353
Dee34 049394475820059348
Viking35 0262655405807044319
Joel Peterson36 055410287005767318
Aaron Frees37 66425163530000275
Jason A38 020068494506428274
Blake39 98352843620000266
Forklift40 8045424800000215
Kristo76541 5563553400000207
Buck shot42 406360000000163
Rylat43 00000007870148
Jeff Vander Sanden44 524945000000146
Gordiesean45 5341000000094
Blake Nolby46 800000000080
Porter Jacklitch46 000008000080
Jon Henning48 790000000079
Aaron M Frees49 000007800078
Bridger Bjerke50 740000000074
Lips51 700000000070
Snowmobile Racing Ne…52 680000000068
Seth Bram52 680000000068
Bob Menne52 680000000068
Eric Michael Swenson55 640000000064
quinton biggin56 620000000062
Tom B57 610000000061
gabriel arnar58 600000000060
Cody Sandmann59 590000000059
Brandon59 059000000059
Chelsea zasadni61 057000000057
JDog62 000560000056
Dabutcher63 054000000054
Kurt Bauerly64 490000000049
Ryan Baker65 480000000048
Elijah Erickson65 048000000048
Steve Sikorski65 000000004848
Connor68 000000004646
Amanda69 450000000045
Sylvain69 000450000045
Erik St.Peter71 440000000044
RMT85071 000000004444
SledDown racing73 430000000043
Chris Bement74 042000000042
Greg75 400000000040
Raymond Gessinger76 350000000035
Bruce77 033000000033
Adkhw78 310000000031
Lon Yoki79 000300000030
Dan hanson80 290000000029






2023 Final Points Standings 

2023 Fantasy Snowmobile Racing Challenge Snocross Game

Paul Kahtava1 7163705581698259550
Brad Smolinski2 5766945775606358530
Bonnstetter4683 8255745581526559523
Janet De Zorzi4 5468587575577059516
philthy5 4049578568698658512
ADKHW6 6761536762419058499
Russell Miller7 4739646789626365496
Tom Luoma8 6455746267436362490
Buckshot9 3551719662676341486
Stormin10 5540466069826964485
DET11 5560665477408250484
Kristo76512 686669517907670479
Austin13 6842584374686164478
Rich Kingsley14 4841547883626150477
Dan De Zorzi15 5343695960635573475
Parker Krumm16 4256806154625956470
RMT44017 4656775577496344467
Rylan18 5664765650436949463
RET60018 6450615675476644463
JoeJ20 4955537773624843460
Luke Wollenberg21 3063575069615964453
John Prusak22 466171758405658451
Eric Swenson23 4647615655646259450
RMT24 6147544362508249448
DET60025 5944584383505744438
Tony Mutascio25 615465676806459438
RET85027 4948575677436344437
Connor Ott27 5569536153684038437
Rylan85029 5044555682415943430
Gordiesean30 475754696460680419
Aaron Frees31 5730354354607453406
Snowmobilingpodcast32 604155049556561386
David Moulden33 4976354850355432379
Brad Walen34 41417464837500378
Jason A35 492541804903854336
Viking36 4640727060000288
Christopher Williams37 0057416105655270
Kyle Simenson38 2952675863000269
Joel Peterson39 041710559400261
rylan15140 00000476644157
Tom B41 67414100000149
sxr75242 5959000000118
Austin Leeck Racing43 330600000093
Garrett Qualley44 027550000082
Snæþór Jósepsson45 75000000075
Elvar Orn46 68000000068
Preston Lee47 66000000066
Tristan Árni48 64000000064
Sammi48 64000000064
Kurt50 62000000062
Derek Gutzwiller51 00056000056
Jeff Rowan52 55000000055
Drew Bauerly53 00530000053
Alex Þór54 49000000049
Birkir55 48000000048
Birgir ingvason56 47000000047
Kai Halverson56 47000000047
Gabriel arnar58 44000000044
Kole Erickson58 04400000044
Rod Thier58 00440000044
Ivar61 43000000043
Totally Hammar’d61 43000000043
Shin Tanaka63 42000000042
Halver2264 40000000040
DS52564 04000000040


2022 Final Points Standings:

2022 Fantasy Snowmobile Racing Challenge Snocross

Eric Swenson1 3545689060757059502
Russell Miller2 3241738338717072480
Gordie3 7745475080417069479
Scott4 6135806760605360476
Tom Luoma5 5541504754688370468
Chelsea Zasadni6 5562475977446457465
Kristofer7 484479737906464451
Rich Kingsley8 4050488749506956449
Wendy Zasadni9 2060885749445968445
Jeff Rowan10 3058655047694373435
Tony Mutascio11 3548635347614978434
Joe J11 3435726862554860434
Luke Wollenberg13 3540637344425086433
clharter14 4833478247586154430
Rylan15 404975458006771427
Brad Smolinski16 3535796845435368426
ADKHW17 2043455558676568421
Tiffany Reynolds18 3355476652644756420
philthy19 2015675561706363414
Heather Hammar20 4442507443485646403
AJ Simenson21 4944475549286264398
Souder22 353304453767475390
Rylan85023 472860617705462389
RET60024 341569485208976383
RMT44025 503465465106669381
Joel Peterson26 3227574934645562380
John Prusak27 3533486027577241373
RET85028 351373685806360370
Parker Krumm29 2643284827714776366
Dan De Zorzi30 4620434349416556363
Janet De Zorzi30 5440394756354943363
Brad Walen32 294148495061078356
Nicholas Demuth33 3327754739435041355
RMT34 294244476506462353
DET35 303140545206877352
Paul Kahtava36 3414545540634442346
DET60037 04240804206277343
paul k38 032406056484758341
Buckshot39 261506345676458338
Hammar’d40 333354546304057334
AUSTIN B41 554653482744600333
Dan Roth42 354958403043630318
Snowmobilingpodcast43 342849054394269315
DTB25644 007767620077283
Sarah Fischer45 55157361413500280
Mike Zasadni46 0443050906500279
Viking47 20480835429042276
Stormin48 41294647410690273
Connor Ott49 2040254829412543271
Craig Kloth50 5315070636300264
Sandra Leonard51 2029464830142645258
AVA HAMMAR52 35502904849440255
Drew Bauerly53 634500560900254
Aaron Frees54 00572829384555252
Steveo55 34290048485042251
SledXracereview56 1529708743000244
Jason A57 20623047046330238
Crystal58 4628545430000212
Tommy B59 205407463000211
Mike young60 2026460270800199
rylan15161 00005807062190
Miller Racing62 154754670000183
Cory Olson63 000030573457178
rylan264 00005806842168
Schmaltz1065 342074029000157
Chris McCurdy66 35450064000144
Cole Johnston67 35480550000138
Tiffany68 46420048000136
R Laplantation69 3300750000108
kristinn199470 26350045000106
Laqua2271 46200390000105
Tanner gazzano72 5500480000103
Ethan W73 4060000000100
Bergsveinn74 336000000093
Joel Lepage75 3328002800089
BHolinka76 345000000084
Zach Ciszewski76 503400000084
Eli erickson78 83000000083
Carsyn Miller78 4029001400083
Tanaya80 344800000082
ghem81 81000000081
Andy Marthaler81 354600000081
Rylan Berglund83 80000000080
Kyle Simenson84 344500000079
Justin Ehrlichman85 294900000078
Jimmy86 205700000077
Emily86 492800000077
Angel Hegman88 502600000076
Snowmobile Racing Ne…89 354000000075
Mika Alaraasakka90 74000000074
Bobby Menne91 205000000070
Trenton Lieders91 403000000070
Paige Jansen93 69000000069
Cory93 1201443000069
Peter93 353400000069
Marc Fechtner96 00000006868
RCB38397 67000000067
Sam97 67000000067
kristinn97 00067000067
Jared Kern97 333400000067
Sledxracereveiw101 00000650065
Richard Eide102 352900000064
James Plutowski102 352900000064
Ben Dover104 333000000063
Just wing it104 333000000063
TheRealJB228106 62000000062
Jason Pope106 204200000062
Jake A108 61000000061
Devin Wenning108 332800000061
Tara Jane110 60000000060
Adam Peppler110 60000000060
Roland Poirier110 06000000060
Jacob Strong113 56000000056
Jlein157113 56000000056
Alex Brockman115 55000000055
morgan115 55000000055
Dylan Shay115 55000000055
Jesse barrette115 05500000055
Grady Goetzke115 00005500055
Z train120 54000000054
Taven woodie121 53000000053
Jon Aune121 53000000053
Owen Falk121 53000000053
Brandon Schmidt121 53000000053
Joe Fischer125 52000000052
Tilly126 351500000050
Connor krupp127 49000000049
Dylan Jansen127 49000000049
Cael Firth127 49000000049
Owen127 49000000049
Taylor127 49000000049
GJ127 49000000049
Ollie127 202900000049
Winner Winner134 48000000048
Jeff wenning134 04800000048
Chloe Santillie134 04800000048
tjholeshot134 04800000048
Chad Genereux138 47000000047
Chad G138 47000000047
Calvin138 47000000047
Logan Frattalone138 47000000047
Paul Schwieters138 47000000047
BG138 47000000047
houston becker138 47000000047
mayson138 47000000047
Wyatt Skogquist138 47000000047
Cater,138 47000000047
Perry Samagalski138 04700000047
Kristofer-138 00004700047
Todd138 331400000047
Ctak151 46000000046
Grady Johnson151 46000000046
Carter Meyeraan151 46000000046
Josh Gurski154 44000000044
Blake Shay154 44000000044
Kristófer154 00000440044
Nick raymond154 133100000044
Reggie Sovereign158 43000000043
LL13158 00430000043
Jason Lee160 42000000042
Kohl Peterson160 42000000042
Lastcall887160 04200000042
Levi Worley160 271500000042
Josh164 41000000041
Syd164 04100000041
ferney166 40000000040
Chloe166 40000000040
jacob primeau166 40000000040
Buelow166 40000000040
Alec Plaisted166 40000000040
Chelsie Belkholm166 40000000040
Travis166 40000000040
Matt Kosc166 40000000040
Einar sig166 40000000040
Brock Tobiason166 40000000040
Matthew Sullivan166 40000000040
Adam Bolton177 35000000035
Chris177 35000000035
Nick177 35000000035
Brad S177 35000000035
Tanis177 35000000035
AAron177 35000000035
Gavin Fleury177 35000000035
Ananda177 35000000035
Justin Farkas177 35000000035
Terry57177 35000000035
Kurt Heiser177 35000000035
Brian keyes177 35000000035
Jeremy Mueller177 35000000035
Trenton R190 34000000034
Derek S190 34000000034
Ryan Baker190 34000000034
Jamie Baciuska190 34000000034
Brady Acker190 34000000034
Marty Hastie190 34000000034
Jordan Keshler190 34000000034
Jared burba190 34000000034
Dillan praske190 34000000034
Tommy bunch190 34000000034
Magnus190 34000000034
Keith Musolf190 34000000034
Kassie Thibodeau190 34000000034
will walen190 34000000034
Bonnstetter468190 34000000034
Matthew Skubic190 34000000034
Jeff Killian190 00003400034
Dan Autore190 00000340034
Kurt Bauerly208 33000000033
Dalton Tatro208 33000000033
Kelsey Christian208 33000000033
Kerry king208 33000000033
James208 33000000033
Connor Wietgrefe208 33000000033
Justin Blazevic208 33000000033
Kellen Chapuran208 33000000033
Mason Riebel208 33000000033
Robert Koren208 33000000033
Rhearth208 33000000033
Anta Fjellheim208 33000000033
Spencer Plier208 33000000033
Bixby208 33000000033
Matt Tieze208 33000000033
Benoit Longchap208 33000000033
Dominic Santina208 33000000033
MRabbit23208 33000000033
Mike Thomason208 33000000033
Nathan316208 33000000033
Erick W208 33000000033
Hailey208 33000000033
Jordan Wolfe208 33000000033
Runar Pedersen208 33000000033
Storm johnson208 33000000033
Dad208 33000000033
Dane Wilwert234 32000000032
Jonathen Conaway234 32000000032
Perry++Samagalski234 32000000032
Elli234 03200000032
Kevin Dutkiewicz238 30000000030
Lyle Greig238 30000000030
Matt Pranger238 30000000030
Joe spencer238 30000000030
DANE A WILWERT238 03000000030
Mike Ryden243 29000000029
Dylan Doherty243 02900000029
Dominique Tessier243 29000000029
Niklas Hoeglund243 29000000029
Matthew Tieze243 02900000029
Anthony Catalfamo248 02800000028
Dave spies248 001501300028
The Wizard250 27000000027
Stephenson102250 27000000027
Cody Sandmann250 27000000027
Jake250 27000000027
Blake Karenke250 27000000027
Eric Drolet250 27000000027
Adam250 27000000027
Andrew Carlson250 27000000027
Mike krajicek250 27000000027
Lastcall259 26000000026
Darrel shaftly260 25000000025
TJ Holeshot261 24000000024
Xcrman261 24000000024
Garrett M263 20000000020
Mike murray263 20000000020
Kyle Thome263 20000000020
Mitchell Fischbach263 20000000020
Rob263 20000000020
Chris Nelson263 20000000020
Ryan Dungey263 20000000020
Kaden263 20000000020
Cory ohnstad263 20000000020
Cyler Ruhoff263 20000000020
Brock Aimone263 20000000020
X mark263 20000000020
Kevin Crawford263 20000000020
Sydney263 20000000020
tbag464263 20000000020
Tyler billings263 20000000020
wade aamodt263 20000000020
Derek Burdick263 02000000020
John Ranieri281 15000000015
Zadman281 15000000015
Ryan Hoffmann281 15000000015
Tony Washa281 15000000015
Derek281 15000000015
Zac Roberts281 15000000015
Chris w281 15000000015
Kathryn Lemieux288 14000000014
Jason larsen289 13000000013



2021 final standings:

Fantasy Snocross Racing Challenge

PlayerRankElkIowDeaFarSioERXEagER Total
Parker Krumm1 6162496461796160497
Snowmobilingpodcast2 3463585482647355483
Russell Miller3 3349604965886073477
Perry Samagalski4 4070474966786848466
John Prusak5 3447596550797356463
Gordie6 2648626965555177453
Joel Peterson7 2861526063485288452
paul kahtava8 4148484965625576444
Janet De Zorzi9 3560356966624660433
Dan De Zorzi10 356107748625187421
Tom Luoma11 4948463568656045416
Eric Swenson12 029487662695165400
RET60013 494905360467468399
RET85014 506203570507348388
DET15 545504435657061384
Joe J16 463557085633948373
Stormin17 265255466377042361
Viking18 06047636274520358
Anthony Mutascio19 26436366617800337
Aaron Frees20 00456449782575336
Rylan21 0006167497365315
Jason Amsden22 2644305949252840301
philthy23 00273386554048289
RMT24 0002662607362283
Buckshot24 04030410695152283
Austin26 0048630487448281
Drew Bauerly27 0048813455380256
Wayne Schmaltz28 804234480000204
Rian Bauerly29 46006748000161
Kaitlyn Harter30 154635470000143
Chad Harter31 46613400000141
Bruce Gaspardi Jr32 6461000000125
James J33 3369000000102
Joe3434 5348000000101
JR35 00078000078
berthold fecteau36 61000000061
Brian Cordell37 60000000060
Perry Samagalski138 00000059059
Kyle Simenson39 05600000056
Chad g40 00530000053
Perry Samagalski40 00000005353
Tre West42 04900000049
Yoks42 00000490049
Eero Maki44 48000000048
Brayden45 04700000047
Jim Reinert46 46000000046
Chad L Harter46 00046000046
Rich Kingsley48 44000000044
Cole Scheef49 41000000041
theRman1349 41000000041
Stephenson 10251 40000000040
Charlie51 04000000040
Drew Bauerly-14551 00000040040
Serge. Savoie54 00003800038
HaydenHoffarth55 35000000035
JoeJ55 00035000035
Mitch Sebastian57 34000000034
Randy Collins58 32000000032
Nicole koffler59 00000310031
Christiane Thibault60 29000000029
Christopher Pembleton60 02900000029
Jeremy Fitka62 00000270027
JER63 00250000025


2020 final standings:

Fantasy Snocross Racing Challenge

Russell Miller1 48806988896800442
Tom Luoma2 29756872847400402
Paul Kahtava3 40427680798200399
John Prusak4 48546790696900397
jason lee5 67475360607900366
Stormin6 52477656795500365
Snowmobilingpodcast7 30666265508000353
Snake Bit8 48615455557800351
RET9 0616866807500350
86 sno10 48534853697500346
philthy11 43615767496300340
Swanson32612 48694765565400339
Chad Harter13 35535668794700338
Austin Leeck14 35357554637500337
Todd Clark15 42405657626200319
Bob Dockham16 3353088615300288
Randy Znamirowski17 47622534556200285
Dan De Zorzi18 2946487680000279
Jay Holweger19 4362576704700276
Trent Maurer20 075686606200271
StraightCashHomie21 005471618000266
Joe J22 5248415552000248
Eric Swenson23 2852375306300233
Tyson24 340436590000232
Perry Samagalski25 407056650000231
Buckshot26 430577504700222
Pete Niekamp27 2004942486200221
Joe Leibel28 416957004900216
Col. Klink29 3004145423900197
Gordon Avann30 35496300000147
Sr.31 54345600000144
RET85032 0057007500132
vanderski33 0054710000125
Mandy34 0055690000124
Josh Kolden35 0054006700121
Jim Reinert36 01457390000110
Kenzie37 0053520000105
robin ingles38 043052000095
Chad Bauerly39 00088000088
Gary L Laurie40 440390000083
Bonnstetter46841 334800000081
Brad42 00072000072
Brent Martim43 00065000065
Tyson Gunter43 00065000065
Jason Pope45 06400000064
Doug Rumery46 62000000062
Jacob47 00570000057
Parker Krumm47 00570000057
Josh49 00056000056
Brad Smolinski50 00055000055
Brayden51 05000000050
Eric morey52 04900000049
Shawn Ellis53 48000000048
Kole Krenik53 04800000048
jason amsden55 00004600046
namirowski56 00450000045
Phillip Claus57 43000000043
Col.Klink57 04300000043
Tyler Obele57 00430000043
Alex Kenemore60 42000000042
Chris best61 00410000041
Brian Boos62 00380000038
Joej63 00000350035
Jeremy young64 34000000034
Bill white64 03400000034
David Campbell64 00034000034
sxr75267 30000000030
William kroncke67 30000000030
JM56369 29000000029
Jimmy Deek70 28000000028
Vic Geier70 28000000028
Matt knudson70 02800000028
Joshua Hillukka70 02800000028
Garrett Qualley74 00027000027
Jeff Anderson75 00020000020
Jeffery anker76 000000000


2019 final standings: 

Fantasy Snocross Racing Challenge

Bob Dockham1 8445705457758056521
Perry Samagalski2 6548693960787584518
swanson3263 847978557578056505
Dan De Zorzi4 5754715759548269503
Lebowski5 7046824660656361493
Russell Miller6 7269663356537964492
paul kahtava7 5453714861558165488
Shannon Harris8 7054723566755656484
ZRXF9 6174574457498241465
jason lee9 6959644660526649465
John Prusak11 7444823042557257456
Chad Harter12 8062632958626126441
Kaitlyn Harter12 7256754571454928441
Buckshot14 6529436175405248413
Sr.14 7246604764285343413
Snowmobilingpodcast16 62086566007272408
Dick Turnbull17 535603560597367403
Gordon Avann18 050564443598465401
Joe J19 5642612846476455399
Stormin20 4141635054444145379
Todd Clark21 04335437454900339
Eric Swenson22 00404972298660336
gordiesean23 7749730575500311
Bonnstetter46824 846559480000256
Ray850etec25 064754262000243
Tom Luoma26 07873560000207
Mitch Singleton27 82575900000198
Tess Hibbert28 68496300000180
Arlus Hibbert29 48695700000174
8630 68058350000161
RET85031 00544362000159
Billy white32 06248340000144
Kenzie33 6248000000110
TRT60034 000435600099
Perry Samagalski135 00000083083
Kourtygirl36 06500000065
Shkev37 003430000064
Austin Leeck38 00620000062
Bob Menne39 61000000061
86 oval40 05400000054
Gordisean40 00054000054
Juj Task42 00460000046
Arctic Cat43 43000000043
Eddie Xander44 41000000041
MM Farmer45 00300000030
Jason Tompkins46 00020000020


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