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As a snow-loving motorsports junkie/addict/fan you’re automatically thrown into a genre of certain weirdness. It’s true. Even though it seems like there are a lot of people like you, there really aren’t. Step way, way, way outside your geographic bubble and tell someone you ride a snowmobile. Now wait for their blank stare.

Strangers outside our world will never get us. We’re weird. That’s why you read Snow Goer; because it’s full of weirdos. Trust me, I’ve spent weeks with them and they’re not normal. But they get you and that’s why this magazine works.

Executive Editor John Prusak
He’s weird because if you ask him who won a race on a snowmobile, ever, he’ll know it. Super weird.

Managing Editor Andy Swanson
Um, I really don’t know how to put this but Swanson complains a lot. It’s like a squeaky wheel that you simply can’t ignore. Even after epic West Yellowstone days and nights, he still grumbles and grouches himself back into Andy Land — where every snowmobile has room to improve.

Associate Editor Tom Kaiser
Oh boy. I don’t really know where to start with Kaiser. He’s what I like to call well-read, which is nerd speak for, well, annoying. Why? Because he’s smarter than I am. And nothing is more annoying than someone who is smarter than you.

Art Director Randy Kepner
You don’t hear a lot from art directors — thank goodness. You see their layouts all the time, but you don’t really get their input on the machines filling the pages. If Kepner’s input on machines were printed it’d be nonsense like, “I love how the Rickety-Rack 800 looks against the pine trees.”

Contributor Jeff Oberg
Oberg claims to be one of the nicest guys you’ll meet. He’s an engineer or something boring that makes his attention to detail too much to handle at times. He likes to talk about gear-clutch-belt traction ratio interfaces. Whatever, Weirdo.

Mark Rosacker Advertising Guy
Rosacker wins the award for best gig. He shows up for snowmobile tests but doesn’t have to do anything. The rest of the year he sells ads against stories he didn’t write on machines he got to ride before 99 percent of the snowmobiling population.

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