Fett Brothers Performance (FBP) has a simple little bushing kit for Arctic Cat primary clutches that is designed to allow faster, smoother clutch operation, and with that comes more efficiency, less heat and more durability. Woo-hoo!
The Cam Arm Bushing Kit — FBP calls it CAB215 — is a set of six Teflon fiber bushings that replace the stock bushings in the clutch towers. They’re designed to be more slippery than the stock bushings so the bolts that secure the flyweights to the towers can rotate more freely as the clutch shifts. Also, the stock bushings are not available from Arctic Cat as a serviceable part, so FBP’s kit fills a need.
For installation, it’s best to remove the clutch from the engine and work on a bench so it’s easier to drive out the old bushings and drive in the replacements, but the job can be performed with it on the engine. The instruction sheet covered all of the steps, but we had difficulty removing some of the old bushings and installing some of the new ones.
To remove the stock bushings, instructions said to use a small punch to drive them out, but we found that tapping a quarter-drive, 7/32-inch deep well socket with a hammer worked better to evenly and smoothly push the bushing out from the clutch. Upon installation, we must not have aligned two of the aftermarket bushings well enough so they went in crooked and we ended up damaging them, causing a tight fit when we slid the bolt inside. Fortunately for us, FBP promptly sent a few replacement bushings with updated instructions so we were able to install those without any trouble.
We ran Fett Brothers CAB215 bushing kit installed in our 2012 Arctic Cat F 800 Sno Pro demo sled for about 250 miles. This wasn’t enough time to evaluate the product for wear, and complications with the machine earlier in the season prevented us from measuring the clutch’s temperature before it was modified. We didn’t notice a performance gain, but with clutching every little bit helps, so adding these bushings to a well-tuned system might make sense if you’ll be reviving a used Arctic Cat clutch. The FBP Cam Arm Bushing Kit fits fixed-pin Arctic Cat clutches (2004 and later).
Fett Brothers Performance
Frazee, Minnesota