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Snowmobile Club Co-Op

Promote Club Membership

…And Your Club!

youth snowmobile club

We all know that clubs are the lifeblood of snowmobiling, yet most snowmobilers are missing out. Join this multi-faceted effort to spread the word while helping your club attract new active members.


A 10-year partnership between Snow Goer and organized snowmobiling to promote the many reasons to join and/or get more active in a snowmobile club.


Locator Map - Wisconsin
  • An article in Snow Goer magazine (circulation: more than 61,012 snowmobiling households) reinforcing the “Join A Club” message.
  • “Sponsoring Clubs” contact information will be boldly displayed on following pages, showcasing them as club’s specifically welcoming to new members.
  • Plus, as added value, the article and club listings will also:
    • Be posted to SnowGoer.com, promoted in the Snow Goer enewsletter and hyped on social media.
    • Included in an issue of Snow Goer Great Escapes, a digital magazine focused on snowmobile touring.
    • Snowmobilers will be able to pinpoint participating clubs on a located map, helping them choose a club to join and support near home or in the favorite riding areas.
Locator Map - Wisconsin

Program Chairman:

Jerry Hanson
Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association (MnUSA)

Snowmobile Club Directory

PLUS: Each year these articles have been among the most-viewed and shared stories on SnowGoer.com!


OVER THE LAST NINE YEARS, the program has highlighted and shared the contact information of more than 700 snowmobile clubs/state associations from across the U.S. Snowbelt.


How To Get Involved:

Fill out the form below and your club is in!

Questions: Contact Jerry at 612-868-7477