“Do you belong to a snowmobile club?” It seems like a simple enough question – a yes-or-no answer would suffice. Yet too many people either B.S. their way through the answer or come up with an excuse as to why they don’t just sign up and do their duty.
If you’re one of those people, this article isn’t intended to scold because you’re certainly not alone. Though no official industry numbers are available, it is estimated that fewer than 25 percent of all North American snowmobilers belong to the clubs and associations that secure the land access, put in the trails and then groom and maintain them all winter, among other things. Hopefully that knowledge doesn’t give you an excuse to stay on the sidelines but rather inspires you to become part of the solution.
There are many reasons to join a snowmobile club – and many different levels of engagement among those members.
Join For The Camaraderie
One great reason to join a snowmobile club is that you’ll surround yourself with like-minded people. Hanging out with fellow snowmobilers is fun – it immediately expands your riding circle and puts you in touch with people who have similar experiences and interests.

Snowmobile clubs host club rides, organize fundraisers and hold social events. You’ll find yourself participating in those big trailside weenie roasts, summer picnics and early-season trail opener gatherings that you’ve read about in magazines or seen on posters. Most clubs even make monthly board meetings fun – before and after the formal meeting, it becomes a social event where riders get together, swap stories, make riding plans and enjoy each other’s company.
Club membership expands your riding circle. If you have a free day, you can almost always find somebody to ride with – dozens of other enthusiasts are just an email, a social media post or a phone call away. Also, sometimes there are monetary benefits to club membership, including discounts on lodging, trail passes, insurance and more.
Join To Help Out
Intrinsically you know it: Snowmobile trails don’t just appear like magic. And that person who drives the big rig through the woods and pulls the drag? He isn’t the Groomer Fairy, he’s often a club member or was hired by a club. While it’s true that in some locations government agencies do some of the grooming, the vast majority of the trail network is created, maintained, signed and groomed by snowmobile club members. That results in a lot of work and, at times, a lot of fun if you like being outside with friends.
In areas where snowmobile trails cross private land, club members must appeal to each land owner whose property the trail crosses each year and get them to sign a land lease. Then in the fall, club members go out and prepare those trail corridors. It can be as simple as posting the trail signs and trimming back overgrown brush or downed trees, or as complex as bringing in heavy equipment to rebuild a trail base or build a bridge across a stream. Repairs are sometimes needed in the winter, and then the signs have to come out in the spring
All of this is quite a chore, but brushing trails and posting signs can also be a lot of fun. And, as you were told when you were a child, “many hands make light work.” If you can even help maintain a simple 3-mile section of trail, you will have helped the cause, put in some good, positive sweat equity and can claim it as your own when you ride on it this winter. Most snowmobile clubs also host youth safety training courses, lobby local and state officials for trail or backcountry access, participate in charity events and spread goodwill throughout their community. They maintain grooming equipment and insurance for the trails and train the groomer drivers.
Join Because It’s The Right Thing To Do
While being a volunteer who attends meetings, chairs events or pounds signs into the ground every fall is what every snowmobile club needs, at the very least write out a check and mail it with a
membership form to join a club where you ride. And do it every year. Big membership numbers help lobbyists who work on behalf of snowmobilers. There truly is strength in numbers. Clubs
are also influential for establishing new trails and preserving existing trails because clubs often get businesses – which are powerful in communities – to jump on board.
So, even if you’re not a “joiner,” despise attending meetings or don’t have time at this point in your life to help out or attend the various social events, sign up because it’s the right thing to
do. Your sport needs you, now more than ever.
How To Join
Below you’ll see listings from snowmobile clubs that have chosen to participate in the Snowmobile Club Promotion program, complete with contact information. They are specifically reaching out to invite you to join their efforts to keep snowmobiling great.
If, however, you don’t see any clubs listed close to where you live or ride, the clubs that sponsored this program won’t hold a grudge if you join another club – they’ll just be happy that you
joined the important grassroots network that keeps snowmobiling alive. Go to snowgoer.com/states-with-snowmobile-clubs for a listing of U.S. clubs, visit snowmobilers.org or visit the ccso-ccom.ca in Canada.
Find a snowmobile club near you!
Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs Inc.
Marseilles, 815/795-2021
email: iasc@mtco.com
website: ilsnowmobile.com
Tri-County Snowmobile Alliance
email: trails@tcsnowmobile.com
website: tcsnowmobile.com
Cedarville Snow Travelers
Cedarville, 815/238-2489
email: skinnersautobody@yahoo.com
Prairie Drifters Snowmobile Club
Galesburg, 309/368-0620
Woodford County Snowmobile Club
Germantown Hills, 309/397-6922
email: atkinscrew@gmail.com
Hampshire White Riders Snowmobile Club
Hampshire, 847/683-0140
email: duey683@msn.com
Harvard Snow Gophers Snowmobile Club
Harvard, 815/560-1981
email: bussman7@yahoo.com
website: harvardsnowgophers.com
Evergreen Snowmobile Club
Oak Forest, 815/249-5342
email: webmaster@egsclub.net
website: egsclub.com
Cornbelt Driftbusters Snowmobile Club
Orion, 309/786-3656
email: danlong@longscarpet.net
Oaks Ridge Riders
Roscoe, 815/509-0472
email: kastew91@gmail.com
website: oaksridgeriders.net
Winnebago Sno-Gliders Inc.
Winnebago, 815/985-0764
email: winnebagosnogliders@hotmail.com
website: winnebagosnogliders.com
Michigan Snowmobile Association
Grand Rapids, 616/363-2285
email: office@msasnow.org
website: msasnow.org
Alpena Snowdrifters
email: info@alpenasnowdrifters.org
website: alpenasnowdrifters.org
Gogebic Area Grooming Inc.
Bergland/Marenisco, 906/842-3217
website: gogebicareagrooming.com
Byron Center Snowmobile Association
Byron Center, 616/459-8545
email: myank@comcast.net
website: trailhelper.com
Western Michigan Snowmobile Council
Gun Lake, 269/672-9507
email: terrenceb@charter.net
website: trailhelper.com
Elk Country Sno-Travelers
Hillman/Atlanta, 989/742-3412
email: kmccrum@charter.net
Yankee Springs Snowmobile Association
Shelbyville, 269/672-9507
email: terrenceb@charter.net
Michiana Trail Riders Coalition
South Bend, 574/250-2203
email: deakatwork@embarqmail.com
website: gomtrc.com
Snomads Snofari Club
website: snomads.org
Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association
Brooklyn Park, 866/214-7669
email: mnusaoffice@popp.net
website: mnsnowmobiler.org
Freeborn County Snowmobile Trail Association
Albert Lea, 507/402-1319
email: mkthompson66@hotmail.com
Andover Sno Dragons
Andover, 763/862-2346
email: andoversnowdragons@gmail.com
website: snodragons.com
Ash River-Kabetogama Snowdrifters
Ash River/Kabetogama/Ray, 800/777-8405
email: arks_club@yahoo.com
Baxter Snowmobile Club
Baxter, 218/829-4114
email: kaimsande@msn.com
Bay Lake Sno Packers
Bay Lake Twp./Deerwood, 218/678-2051
email: baylake.snopackers@gmail.com
website: baylakesnopackers.org
Belle Plaine Boroughriders
Belle Plaine, 952/873-4320
email: boroughriders@yahoo.com
Hinckley/Pine City Flames
Beroun, 320/515-0156
email: president@flamessnowmobileclub.com
Big Lake Sno-Cruisers
Big Lake, 763/263-5809
email: pkvetter@windstream.net
website: snocruisers.org
Sno Barons
website: snobarons.com
Byron Snow Bears
Byron, 507/289-5758
email: mnusarep@byronsnowbears.com
website: byronsnowbears.com
Caledonia Sno-Gophers Snowmobile Club
Caledonia, 507/725-7669
email: calsnow@acegroup.cc
website: mnsnowmobiler.org/clubs
Cambridge Drift Dusters
Cambridge, 763/691-8280
email: randyfox66@gmail.com
website: cambridgedriftdusters.com
Carver County Snowrunners
Carver County, 612/483-5638
email: ccsnowrunner@yahoo.com
website: ccsnowrunner.com
Chaska Sno-Hawks
Chaska, 952/221-2564
email: mlabawstillafishn@yahoo.com
website: chaskasnohawks.com
Rice Creek Trail Association
Circle Pines, 651/260-8508
email: ricecreektrails@hotmail.com
website: ricecreektrail.com
Wood City Riders
Cloquet, 218/428-0276
email: woodcityriders@gmail.com
Cook Timberwolves Snowmobile Club
Cook, 218/780-6154
email: info@cooktimberwolves.org
website: cooktimberwolves.org
Sno-Serpents Inc.
Deerwood, 218/534-3940
email: lostin50s@mlecwb.net
website: snoserpents.com
Delano Snowstormers Snowmobile Club
Delano, 952/955-2894
website: delanosnowstormers.com
United Lakes & Trail Riders Association (ULTRA)
Detroit Lakes, 218/847-6019
email: lindamaelong1@gmail.com
website: ultradl.org
Hiawatha Sno-Seekers
Dover, 507/289-5688
email: hsssnoseekers@gmail.com
website: hiawathasnoseekers.com
Drift Toppers Snowmobile Club
Duluth, 218/525-3638
email: scomarhardware@yahoo.com
Eden Prairie Snowdrifters
Eden Prairie, 952/934-7863
website: edenprairiesnowdrifters.shutterfly.com
River City Snow Riders
Elk River, 763/441-6881
email: rivercitysnowriders@usfamily.net
website: rivercitysnowriders.org
Blizzard Snowmobile Club
Fairmont, 507/238-2190
email: blizzardclub@myblizzardclub.com
website: myblizzardclub.com
Faribo Sno-Go Club
Faribault, 507/323-0174
email: info@sno-go.org
website: sno-go.org
Farmington Sno Tigers
Farmington, 612/940-5675
email: farmingtonsnotigers@yahoo.com
website: farmingtonsnotigers.com
Finland Snowmobile/ATV Club
Finland, 218/226-4153
website: wildhurstlodge.com
Forest Lake Snowmobile Club
Forest Lake, 612/751-4666
email: forestlakesnowmobileclub@yahoo.com
Hamel Sno Runners
Hamel, 612/516-5014
email: hamelsnorunners@gmail.com
Houston Money Creek Snowriders Snowmobile Club Inc.
Houston, 507/458-0165
InternatIonal Voyageurs Snowmobile Club
International Falls, 218/286-3102
email: mjbigler@hotmail.com
website: ridetheborder.com
Inver Grove Heights Snowmobile Club
Inver Grove Heights, 651/900-3540
website: mnsnowmobiler.org/clubs
Kenyon Snowdrifters
Kenyon, 507/789-6647
email: info@kenyonsnowdrifters.com
website: kenyonsnowdrifters.com
La Crescent Snowmobile Club
La Crescent, 507/895-6363
Lakeville Sno-Trackers Inc.
Lakeville, 952/435-5494
email: info@lakevillesnotrackers.com
website: lakevillesnotrackers.com
LeSueur County Snowmobile Trails Association
Le Center
email: treasure@lesueursnowtrails.org
website: lesueursnowtrails.org
Lincoln Lakes Area Snowmobile Club
website: llasc.org
Loretto Sno-Birds
email: lorettosnobirds@gmail.com
Maple Plain Snomads
Maple Plain, 952/929-0405
email: snow@mpsnomads.com
website: mpsnomads.com
Southwest Trails Association
Mayer, 612/940-0341
email: jim@safe-shore.com
Merrifield Marathons Inc.
Merrifield, 218/824-6208
email: mmj@brainerd.net
Rum River Sno-Riders Inc.
Milaca, 612/670-6027
email: hadclark@live.com
E.C. Riders Snowmobile Club
Mora, 877/208-5105
email: info@eastcentrailriders.com
Gull Lake Drifters
Nisswa, 651/528-9838
email: cindersh@msn.com
website: mnsnowmobiler.org/clubs
NorthWest Trails Association
Osseo, 952/882-6770
email: nwtrails@nwtrails.net
website: nwtrails.net
Otsego River Riders
Otsego, 763/274-0229
email: hilde98@msn.com
website: otsegoriverriders.com
Prairie Snow Drifters
Parkers Prairie, 218/338-9813
email: prairiesnowdrifters@hotmail.com
Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club
Perham, 218/385-3991
email: kwddreyer@gmail.com
Prior Lake Snowmobile Association
Prior Lake, 952/445-9066
Red Wing River View Riders
Red Wing, 651/301-0058
Country Snow Cruisers Inc.
Richmond, 320/597-3888
email: countrysnowcruisers@yahoo.com
website: countrysnowcruisers.org
Rockford Ridge Riders
Rockford, 763/477-3733
email: rrchaffins@hotmail.com
Rollingstone Snowbankers Inc.
Rollingstone/Minneiska, 507/689-2361
email: kudabina@riverlandcom.net
Benton County Snowmobile Club
Sauk Rapids, 320/241-7005
email: bentonsnowclub@hotmail.com
website: bentoncountysnowmobileclub.com
Savage Sno-Pacers
Savage, 612/567-6691
email: snopacers@gmail.com
River Valley Trail Blazers
Shakopee, 952/445-9130
email: threegamesandy@aol.com
website: rvtb.org
South Tonka Sno-Mobilers
Shorewood, 952/484-1424
email: wapeterson1@hotmail.com
website: google.com/site/southtonkasnowmobileclub
Tri-County Trailblazers
Spring Valley, 507/259-4813
email: tri-countytrailblazers@hotmail.com
Foxtailers Snowmobile Club
St. Michael, 763/497-3802
email: eswenson01@gmail.com
website: foxtailers.com
Low Plains Drifters
West Central, 320/284-2269
email: slarson@wheaton.k12.mn.us
Zumbro Valley Snowmobile Association
Zumbro Falls, 507/843-2855
email: info@motoproz.com
North Dakota
Snowmobile North Dakota
Bismarck, 701/328-5389
email: info@snowmobilend.org
website: snowmobilend.org
Rough Rider Snowmobile Association
email: roughridersnowmobileclub@hotmail.com
website: roughridersnow.com
Ridge Runners
email: xcr600pb@polarcomm.com
Nebraska State Snowmobile Association
Norfork, 402/750-2338
email: jkracl@cableone.net
website: nebraskasnowmobiler.com
Schuyler Snow Stars
Northeast Part
email: schuylersnowstars@gmail.com
Syracuse Snoflakers
Syracuse, 402/432-5350
email: amber.gigstad@yahoo.com
South Dakota
South Dakota Snowmobile Association
Gary, 605/272-5900
email: sdsa@itctel.com
website: snowmobilesd.com
Aberdeen Driftbusters
website: aberdeendriftbusters.com
Dakota Trailblazers of Clear Lake & Gary
Clear Lake 605/933-0382
Poinsett Pounders
Hayti, 605/783-3401
website: poinsettpounders.com
Terry Peak Trailblazers
Find us on Facebook
Whetstone Valley Snowmobile Assn.
email: wvsnowclub@gmail.com
James Valley DriftSkippers
Mitchell, 605/999-3755
email: Born2scoot@yahoo.com
Town & Country Snowdrifters Snowmobile Club
Olham, 605/270-2522
Parker, 605/940-2900
Black Hills Snowmobile Club
Rapid City, 605/391-8602
Sioux Falls Sno Trackers
Sioux Falls
website: sfsnotrackers.com
Sturgis Sno-Drifters
Sturgis, 605/347-1832
Watertown Snowmobile Club
Northern Hills Snow Cruisers
Whitewood, 605/206-0393
Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs
De Forest, 800/232-4108
email: awsc@awsc.org
website: awsc.org
Berlin River Riders Inc.
Berlin, 920/229-0816
email: riverriders@greenlakecountysnowmobiletrails.com
website: greenlakecountysnowmobiletrails.com/berlinriverriders
Birchwood Bobcat Riders Inc.
Birchwood, 715/354-3610
email: info@birchwoodbobcatriders.com
website: birchwoodbobcatriders.com
Namakagon Trail Groomers
Cable, 651/276-1199
email: namtrails@cheqnet.net
website: namtrails.com
Kumalong SnoRiders
Coleman, 715/789-2320
email: harmonygt1@hotmail.com
website: kumalongsnoriders.com
Cozy Corner Trails Inc.
Danbury, 715/656-3855
email: suesmed@gmail.com
website: cozycornertrails.com
Schnee Katzen Snowmobile Club Inc.
email: schneekatzensc@yahoo.com
website: schneekatzensc.com
Sawyer County Snowmobile & ATV Alliance
website: sawyercountyalliance.com
Lakeshore Driftbusters
Howards Grove, 920/377-1122
website: hgdriftbusters.com
New Berlin Suburban Sno-Hawks
New Berlin, 414/940-7130
email: snohawks@suburbansnohawks.com
website: suburbansnohawks.com
Oakdale Area Snowmobile Association
Oakdale, 608/372-9617
email: oakdaleareasnowmobileassoc@gmail.com
Lugerville Chasers
Phillips, 715/339-4066
email: lugervillechasers@gmail.com
Plain Hillcrest Riders
Plain, 608/574-6874
email: mcwalsh2@yahoo.com
Snow Runners LTD
Port Washington, 414/828-5265
email: snowrunners@gmail.com
website: snowrunnersltd.net
Rome Sno-Bandits Snowmobile Club
Rome, 715/325-6711
email: romesnobandits@gmail.com
website: romesnobandits.com
Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain
email: info@boboen.com
website: boboen.com
Sussex Sled Bugs Snowmobile Club
Sussex, 414/321-2197
email: contactus@sussexsledbugs.org
website: sussexsledbugs.org
Twin Runners Snowmobile Club
Twin Lakes, 262/995-0202
email: info@twinrunners.com
website: twinrunners.com
Bear Point Sno-Cruisers
Wausaukee, 920/494-3052
website: bearpointsno-cruisers.org
Very good article!!!!
Would like to know where you obtained the club names from? Disappointed that my club wasn’t mentioned
Regards, Bob
An AWSC Club. New members always welcome.
What do we have to do to get our club recognized by sno-goer? I see the list above and we are not on it. The smaller clubs are the ones that struggle for members. We are one of the oldest clubs in Minnesota.
Thank You, Jamie http://www.ststephenriverrunners.com