Countdown To December: Today's Snowmobiling Image

Here at Snow Goer magazine, we’re inviting readers to join us in a Countdown To December, as we eagerly look forward to a new riding season.

Each day, we’ll post a new image that portrays the best of snowmobiling and making snowmobiling memories here on We’ll also post images on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We’d like to encourage all other snowmobilers to do the same — on our page, on their own pages, on our Reader Images page or anywhere else they see fit. On Twitter, we’ll be tagging our images #ReadyForSnowmobiling, and you can do the same.

Today’s image is from a story we did two winters ago in the Hayward Lakes area of the Wisconsin Northwoods which, by the way, is supposed to get snow tonight!

Join us as we count down the days to another great winter!

snowmobile in Bayfield, WI











snowmobile in Cable Wisconsin









Revelstoke snowmobile







Snowmobiling Black Hills









Snowmobiles by Waterfall

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