We have just learned from Scott Crane, the new President of RMSHA, that an age old debate has now been settled. Stock means “out of the box” stock at all RMSHA race events. There will be no changing of OEM parts any longer. The improved stock and mod stock classes will not change.
This has been done for many reasons. First of all, to help keep down the cost of racing. Now, if you can afford a stock sled and can travel to the races, you can afford to race RMSHA. This will also be a great showing of the capabilities of each manufactures stock sleds.
According to Heidi Tobin, President of The Snow Devils, this rule will apply at The Jackson Hole World Championship Hillclimb held at the end of March each year.
We have to wonder what advantage manufactures like Arctic Cat will have with their new HCR (Hill Climb Racer) sled that they have just introduced. This is a stock sled. What advantage will the more aggressive track and lighter weight give Team Arctic? And the new sled by Polaris… We will not have to wait long to see. The RMSHA Preston Pride Hillclimb is set for Jan. 16th and 17th. Registration begins Dec. 16th. For more information go to http://www.rmsha.com/index.php.