Chad Harris of HCP designs and Ashlee Painchaud are creating a tribute to Blair Morgan called “Operation Inspiration”. They are in the middle of creating a design in honor of Blair, and Chad will be donating his time to paint a personal helmet for every Pro Racer who will be on the line at Duluth with color and theme 100% dedicated to Blair Morgan.

This T-shirt fundraising/sponsorship initiative is endorsed by the Blair Morgan Family Trust. If you would like to sponsor or confirm your prior commitment THIS LINK will allow you to choose how to pay for the sponsorship by credit card, using PayPal or allow you to send a check. It will also issue a receipt. If you are purchasing shirts they will be shipped when payment has been received. Thanks for your kind consideration.
Please see this sight below for all info on a fundraising program created for Blair Morgan. It is Called “Operation Inspiration”. Sponsorship donations start at $1000, and T-shirts are going for $20 a piece, and of course all proceeds are going towards the recovery of Blair Morgan.
To get your T-shirt or to just give a donation for a GREAT cause, Click Here.
How can i get a 7c inspiration shirt