The time is now for the twelfth set of matchups in the 2013 Trasher Bracket Championship here on You can read all about how the Trasher Bracket works by clicking through to see the bracket, then click on the red “Vote Now” words to cast your ballot.
To quickly recap, the 2013 Trasher Bracket features 64 randomly selected “Trashers” who dominate discussion on the Trash Talkers forum on Mimicking college basketball and hockey brackets, the Trashers have been seeded and placed in brackets, and readers of will decide who advances in each round.
There are no prizes for participating or “winning” the Trasher Bracket – it is for entertainment purposes only. That said, a worthless and quite possibly unsightly traveling trophy will be presented to the eventual champion.
So, go ahead and vote for your favorite (or least favorite?) Trasher, and check back to see when new names are posted.