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Trailside Snacking on a Snowmobile

There are obviously a lot of reasons why riding a snowmobile is fun, but one that many sledders probably forget about is the food. Frankly, stopping at a trailside pitstop for a meal and great conversation with friends is often the highlight of my ride. I really enjoy the camaraderie of just hanging out and being a wise-ass with my friends.

If a restaurant isn't nearby when you're snowmobiling, what's your trailside snack of choice?

But restaurants aren’t always around the next corner, so this is why snowmobile trailside-snacking is so important. These snacks need to be durable, small, lightweight and tasty, not to mention edible if frozen.

A staple for me is Snickers bars and granola bars — I’m cheap, so I usually buy the generic ones and they taste just fine, thank you. Beef jerky is another delicacy, and when paired with water or Gatorade it’s a great way to stay hydrated because salt holds water in the body so it stays hydrated.

We recently asked fans of the Snow Goer Facebook page what their favorite trailside snack is. As expected, beef jerky and candy bars were popular replies, and here some of the other suggested trailside snacks:

  • Boneless BBQ chicken wings
  • Clif Bars
  • 5 Hour Energy Drink
  • MREs
  • Half-eaten hamburger left over from a lunch stop
  • Red Bull
  • Moose jerky
  • Sausage
  • Slim Jims
  • Homemade burrito in a HotDogger
  • Hot dogs cooked over an open flame
  • Prunes
  • HotPocket

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