It’s coming…
I’m talking about the snow. Oh sure, you may have had a warm fall like the rest of us, but is starting to light up with images of snow falling in the western mountains.
Our art director, Randy Kepner, called me to his office to see a video on Facebook of some of his friends of his playing in the snow in Breckenridge, Colorado. Meanwhile, from the other side of the country comes this video of snow falling – and staying – at the Killington Resort in New England.
In fact, if you’re a really big snow geek like me, you can click here to see Killington’s live web cam – that’s right, snow falling right now as I write this thing!!

I’m a snow nut, but Randy’s a darned goofball. From his office next to mine, he keeps barking out snowfall totals. Seconds ago he said, “Some place in B.C.’s got snow cover of 24-48 inches, according to this web site.” That was followed by “They’re supposed to get snow in Quebec starting tonight.” Each time he gives me an update, there’s a childlike twist on his voice, like he’s tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve night. And his search goes on.
None of this should really come as a big surprise to any of us – I mean, the snow always starts somewhere in October, and I witnessed my first snowfall of the year in Jackson, Wyoming five full weeks ago. So yeah, it happens every year – but that doesn’t make it any the less exciting.
Yes, winter will be here soon. The snocross season starts in 42 days (that’s six weeks from today, for the mathematically impaired) in Duluth, Minnesota, and trails in some areas open in 47 days (Dec. 1). Let’s count them down together until we can all go riding again!!