It’s 86 degrees in the Twin Cities as I write this – Indian Summer (or, should I say, Native American Summer Soltice?) has officially taken hold. Half of our office (or more) is looking for an excuse to leave early. Motorcycles are everywhere on the local streets, folks are making plans for an unexpected last weekend of boating – and all I can think about is sleds!
It’s crunch time in our office, as we work hard to get another issue of Snow Goer (in this case, our January cover date issue) to our printer. Andy’s off on one project, Tom’s off on another, so the only person here to give the pages a final read-through is little old me, and it’s killing me. In this case, “It” is not the workload; what’s killing me is reading all of these stories about riding.
Managing Editor Andy Swanson has got a really good story about a club ride he took in northern Minnesota last year in this issue; longtime contributor Tim Erickson has an outstanding review of the 2011 Sno Pro 500 based on our ride at West Yellowstone, Montana, last spring; I’ve got a writeup on our Power Cruiser Shootout, featuring all of the big four strokes. Each story has a certain “put-you-there” charm that has me yearning for winter. I want to be on that trail that Andy talks about; I want to fling a Sno Pro 500 down a rugged ditchline, which Tim writes about….

Instead, it’s 86 degrees and sunny. Oh well.
Whatever you have planned for this weekend, make it a good one. And remember, in as soon as eight weeks if snow permits, the snowmobile trails will start opening in some parts of the country!
Dear Jonh! I send you a letter a few days ago – asked you to help russian mag RedSleds with materials about two new sleds))) I see, you had a lot of job to do for the next issue… But we’ll be really glad to hear from you)))
Hello, this is long time reader and subsriber. Avid sleder that has gone from 4 sleds to no sleds. Between the economy and wanting a sled newer than 91-2000. I sold them all hoping to upgrade to 2005-2010. After hooking the wife into the sport she and I have been angwishing over haveing zero snowmobiles. We have rented twice which isn’t too bad or a deal.for now… Anyway I work building the humvees for our soldiers. And due to cutbacks from obama we are laying off 300-500 workers. No sled for me anytime soon. Awhile back you offered snowgoer T-shirts for Subsribing. That shirt is just a bit wornout. Would like a chance to purchase a couple if I new what to do… My email is and our shirt size is large and xxl.. If you Could please respond with some instructions who to pay or where to order we would be very very greatful. Keep up the good work and always think snow. Sencerly yours the Heringtons……