A Montana man is being hailed as a local hero for coming to the rescue of stranded motorists using his snowmobile.
On May 8, a major snowstorm shut down Interstate 90 between Bozeman and Livingston, Montana. That trapped hundreds of folks inside their cars and trucks for up to 16 hours.
That’s a mighty long time for anybody to wait. But imagine doing it on a Greyhound bus with an infant while running out of baby formula! That was the situation that spurred Josh Rhynard into action.
According to a story on Bozeman-based KBZK TV, Rhynard’s wife saw a post on a Facebook group page about that exact situation. Good fortune struck three times. First, the Rhynards live near the freeway. Second, Josh had a snowmobile! And third, the Rhynards have a small child and another on the way, so they had baby formula on hand.
As the snow continued to pile up, Josh ventured down to the interstate. According to his interview on KBZK, he delivered snack food and water to assorted vehicles as he made his way to the Greyhound. There, he met the stranded lady and child, and gave them the supplies they needed.
“I can’t imagine being stuck in traffic for that long, especially on a Greyhound bus,” Rhynard said in a TV interview with KBZK. “Several people on that Facebook page probably did more than I did. That’s just kind of the Montana way, I’d say.”
It’s a heartwarming story that shines a positive light on snowmobiling. Check it out. And, good job, Josh!
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The Rhynards are great people. Congratulations and thanks for your kindness.
Nice to see that great older (not really) Polaris sled coming to the rescue.