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Snowmobiler Survey: We Need More Snow, And More Time

If you’re hanging out on this website, chances are good that you’re a snowmobile enthusiast who truly enjoys riding your sled(s). And, chances are just as good that you wish that you could go snowmobiling even more than you actually do!

Sure enough, in a recent survey that included more than 1,400 snowmobilers, Snow Goer staff members learned that fellow snowmobilers are most often held back by the same factors that sometimes limit our own search for more seat time – the weather, but also too much time sitting behind a desk or family commitments that pull us in other directions.

In the survey, 1,433 snowmobilers answered the question “What prevents you from riding even more, or riding as much as you wish?” Respondents were given multiple options to answer the question (including an “Other” box) and allowed to check all of the answers that applied to their situation.

The No. 1 answer? Checked by 76 percent of respondents, was “The weather.” Yes, Mother Nature holds the keys to our enjoyment, and some years she works with us, and others (like for many this year) she works against us. Even for those who instead checked the “Other” box, frequent comments included “Not enough snow,” “distance to get to good riding areas” and “need more snow.” Weather was the runaway winner in this contest, though many dedicated riders hook up trailers to the tow vehicles every winter and chase the show to wherever it has fallen.

riding more chart

The No. 2 answer was “Too busy at work,” noted by 39 percent of respondents. Yes, chasing a paycheck often keeps riders from running over snowflakes as much as they’d like. Some in the “other” category noted related factors like “not enough vacation time at work” and one poor soul who wrote he was a “plowing contractor.” So, this guy waits all year for snow, and then when it falls he’s busy pushing it off of parking lots instead of playing in it? That’s his reality. Several others noted that they don’t ride as much as they want because they are groomer operators and are busy maintaining the trail network. To them, other snowmobilers owe many thanks.

Another 30 percent of respondents said family commitments also keep them from riding as much as they wanted – it was the third most popular answer. Some in the “other” category were specific about their children’s sports activities, and one lady who wrote, “husband with back trauma” kept her from getting away to go riding. One guy offered a one-word, family-blame answer in the “Other” category, simple entering “Wife” when asked why he doesn’t ride more!

“Money” was an additional factor listed by 25 percent of respondents, and “Trouble rounding up riding companions” was checked by 21 percent of people. We would highly suggest those people join a snowmobile club to find other people to ride with – here’s a link to a story that could help them.

The 2016 Snow Goer Reader Survey was conducted from April 28 to May 22. The 40-question survey was sent to a cross-section of Snow Goer magazine readers and to those on the enewsletter list for snowgoer.com. It asked respondents questions about their snowmobiling habits and interests as well as collecting demographic information and details on the jackets and helmets these snowmobiler wear, the oil they burn, the products they add to their snowmobile and the places the go. It also sought information on their magazine reading habits so Snow Goer could continue to meet their wants and desires in a snowmobile magazine.

So, why didn’t you ride as much as you wanted last year? Use the “Comments” box below and let us know.

5 thoughts on “Snowmobiler Survey: We Need More Snow, And More Time

  • Snow and fall injury.but I still purchased my 30th new snowmobile in February.

  • Lack of snow kept me to a career low 800 miles, but lack of motivation after 15 years and 35,000 miles of riding played a role as well.

  • I now live in Texas, so that distance is the biggest factor. Then money to put together hotels, and food. When I come up to the U.P. or northern WI, I must check weather and trail reports well in advance to make sure the trip is going to be epic.


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