All-Star Cast To Speak At Rocky Mtn Snowmobile Expo Oct. 7-8

Dan Adams

A virtual who’s who of famous Western riders and avalanche experts will speak this coming weekend, Oct. 7-8, at the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Expo in Denver, Colorado. It is the biggest indoor snowmobile show in the West.

The seminars – organized by Steven Marlenee on behalf of the Colorado Snowmobile Association – are all free with the price of admission at the 36th annual Expo, which annually kicks off the countdown to riding season in the Rocky Mountains.

The event includes about 60 vendors who bring together the world of snowmobiling and snowbiking under one roof for a celebration of the sport.

Stef Dean

From major snowmobile and trailer manufacturers to aftermarket parts makers, huge dealer booths selling the latest gear to lodges and riding destinations, the annual Expo is the place for snowmobilers to get geared up and psyched up for the coming season.

There are three “specials” at the Expo.

Matt Entz

On Friday, the show wraps up with the Colorado Snowmobile Association’s second annual snowmobiling celebration – a party to recognize the camaraderie in the sport.

Saturday is the large outdoor swap meet, for folks looking to buy or sell used goods.

And, both Friday and Saturday, two seminar rooms will feature big name speakers sharing their knowledge on a variety of topics.

The star-studded cast includes Dan Adams, Chris Burandt, Brandon “Tudizzle” Cox, Stef Dean, Mike Duffy, Matt Entz, Lisa Granden, Clay Hockel, Scott Jones, Tom Kobza, Mike Langhenry, Brian Lundstedt, Jen MacPherson, Steven Marlenee, Jeremy Mercier, Dustin Pancheri, Bret Rasmussen, Toby Till and Eric Woog, plus the 10th Special Forces Group.

Bret Rasmussen

Let’s take a closer look at the schedule and the speakers.


Mike Langhenry


4:45 p.m. – “The Making Of Thunderstruck Films” hosted by Clay Hockel of Thunderstruck Films

6 p.m. – “Top 10 Must Haves” hosted by Polaris Ambassador Chris Burandt“

7:15 p.m. – “Advanced Backcountry Riding Clinic” hosted by Ski-Doo Ambassador, The Professor Bret Rasmussen


Lisa Granden

4:45 p.m. – “Avalanche Survival: Shovels & Digging Techniques” hosted by Brian Lundstedt of Tyler’s Backcountry Awareness

6 p.m. – “Women In Snowmobiling” panel discussion hosted by Ski-Doo Ambassador Stef Dean, and including Jen MacPherson and Lisa Granden

7:15 p.m. – “Boost vs. Big Bore” hosted by Erik Woog of Vohk Performance



9:30 a.m. – “Radio Communications” hosted by A.I.A.R.E instructor Mike “Mule” Langhenry

Chris Burandt

10:45 a.m. – “Backcountry Winter Survival” hosted by the 10th Special Forces Group

12 p.m. – “All About Snowbiking” hosted by Toby Till of Rocky Mountain Snow MX

1:15 p.m. – “Land Access Issues You Should Care About” hosted by Scott Jones of the Colorado Snowmobile Association

2:30 p.m. – Colorado Snowmobile Association Quarterly Meeting

5 p.m. – “Gearing & Belt Drives” with Tom Kobza from TKI and Brandon “TuDizzle” Cox


Jeremy Mercier

9:45 a.m. – “Avalanche Awareness Presentation with the Avalanche Alliance” hosted by Dan Adams, Matt Entz and Dustin Pancheri

12 p.m. – “Ask The Expert” hosted by Eric Woog of Vohk Performance

1:15 p.m. – “How to Edit Your Snowmobiling Photos” hosted by Steven Marlenee of Marlenee Photography

2:30 p.m. – “Introduction To Snowmobiling” hosted by Ski-Doo Ambassador Jeremy Mercier

3:45 p.m. – “Transceiver Skills” with Mike Duffy from Avalanche1  

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