Yamaha announced today the first snowmobile of its 2013 model lineup: FX Nytro XTX 1.75. This crossover snowmobile was designed for riders who spend more time playing and exploring in the backcountry than riding groomed trails.
The sled is essentially the same as Nytro XTX machines from years past, but thanks to a new 15- by 144- by 1.75-inch Camoplast Backcountry track, it will be more capable for playing in deep powder. To help maintain good trail performance, the rear suspension rails are tipped up to reduce the snowmobile’s wheel base.
With the track comes new Extrovert drivers and an auxiliary side-mount heat exchanger to help keep the engine cool. Otherwise, the FX Nytro XTX 1.75 mirrors the base FX Nytro XTX with 1.25-inch lugs — with its 1049cc four-stroke triple engine, dual-shock CK144 rear suspension and new Tuner dual-keel skis.
All four snowmobile manufacturers have recently said that the crossover market is the fastest growing segment. The appeal, they say, is for riders to be able to enjoy snowmobile trail riding while having a snowmobile that’s capable to ride on ungroomed forest service roads or running through deep snow in the mountains.
The 2013 FX Nytro XTX 1.75 will be available in blue, or black and charcoal with blacked out front suspension. Pricing is not yet available.