We have been quick to complain when we see something in the mainstream media that casts snowmobiling in either an inaccurate or negative light. So, being fair individuals at heart, we feel it’s only right to give the media kudos when they accentuate the positive in an accurate manner.
Which brings us to the Antigo Daily Journal of Antigo, Wisconsin, and an article the paper published on its website on Sunday, November 21.
Under the mighty appropriate headline “Volunteers Make The Snowmobile Trails Go,” the paper printed a Q&A with Scott Noskowiak of the Antigo Sno-Drifters snowmobile club.
Like most super-active snowmobile club members, Noskowiak wears many hats: He describes himself as the club’s data manager, trail coordinator and one of its trail groomers as well as serving on the Langlade County Snowmobile Council and as a representative of the county to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, while his wife is also one of the club’s secretaries. Whew!
“I like grooming snowmobile trails along with making all the trails safe to ride on… I volunteer because I’m passionate about snowmobiling and would like to give back my time from over the years riding snowmobiles,” Noskowiak says in the article before describing the 12-month-a-year job it is for clubs to build and maintain trails. He also describes why snowmobiling is such a great hobby.
It’s an article that’s definitely worth the read – and if you leave a note for the Antigo paper telling how much you appreciate the positive light they shined on our sport, all the better!
Editor’s Note: Every Snow Goer issue includes in-depth sled reports and comparisons, aftermarket gear and accessories reviews, riding destination articles, do-it-yourself repair information, snowmobile technology and more. Subscribe to Snow Goer now to receive print and/or digital issues.
Too bad you can’t read the article without a subscription.