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USCC East Continues Cross-Country Snowmobile Racing

A behind-the-scenes question in the world of cross-country snowmobile racing was answered this week with the announced purchase of the United States Cross-Country Snowmobile Racing Association (USCC) East name by organizers in Maine.

The original, Midwestern-based USCC, started by the late Pat Mach, announced earlier this year that it was ceasing operations. That announcement was immediately followed by former cross-country racing champion Brian Nelson’s announced plans on June 11 to start the United States X-Country (USXC) series for Upper Midwestern snowmobile racing.

However, that left questions about the fate of the affiliated USCC East circuit, which has run four or five races per winter mainly in Maine the last several years. Would that group re-form under a new name? Would it work with Nelson and become USXC East?

The question has now been answered. The press release is below.

USCC East To Continue On

Buyers Insure USCC Name, Cross-Country Racing Will Remain In The  East

Pownal, Maine (August 24, 2012) – With the announcement from the United States Cross-Country Snowmobile Racing Association (USCC) this past May that it was ceasing operations, there has been a lot of speculation about the predicament of the USCC East circuit.  As of last week, Erik Frigon and Bob Byron have come to an agreement with Lisa Mach to purchase the USCC East and continue operations.

“We’re very excited and happy to be continuing what Pat Mach started,” Frigon said.  “I have been involved in racing for many years, and when Pat hired me to run the East a few years ago I made a promise to him that I would do whatever it took to make it successful. I am happy to be able to continue to fulfill that promise.”

The goal of the USCC East is to provide safe, competitive, and family-oriented racing just as we have since our inception.

“The best part of this type of racing is how easy it is to get involved,” Frigon said. “We give the common trail rider a safe place to test his sled and his riding ability against others in a friendly atmosphere. We also provide a place where top Pros can safely compete at a professional level.

Frigon and Byron are currently working hard to get everything into place for the upcoming racing season.  They intend to keep USCC East affiliated with ISR so that the racers have a solid set of rules to go by.

One thing that will be new this year is the USCC East is forming an advisory board. The board will be comprised of a group of racers to assist on decisions that will help better the association. A new Web site is being assembled and will be online as soon as possible.  We have formed a Facebook site dedicated to the USCC East for people to follow (http://www.facebook.com/UsccEast).  All of the new updates will be posted here until the new web site it up and running at which time the Web site will become the main avenue of communication.

For information, you can contact Erik at frigonerik@gmail.com or reach him at 207-650-8114.

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