The Seattle Times posted a fun story on its website this week about a reporter who faced his fears and tried snowmobiling for the first time.
The article, written by Tan Vihn and posted on the Seattle Times website on Thursday, November 10, recounts the reporter’s trip into the backcountry with members of a local snowmobile club who are also Washington State Snowmobile Association members. They ride near Snoqualmie Pass two hours east of Seattle.
The story starts a little bit rough in its portrayal of snowmobiling — with Vihn clearly building suspense in the story by making our sport sounds like it’s some sort of death-defying activity enjoyed only by those who are crazy enough to put their lives on the line. But once the story gets rolling he talks about the beauty of the backcountry, the helpful of his fellow riders, the advantages of snowmobiling vs. backcountry skiing and some of the technique that he learned during the ride.
“In a calm, namaste-like voice, one rider said the track was now sloping to one side. I would have to ride standing on one side of the snowmobile to balance the tilting sled to ensure I wouldn’t flip over. What? Run that by me again?” the story reads.
Yet, in the end, he live to tell about it all!
Click here to see the full story — it’s well done and worth the read.