The trees are green, the grass is growing and some early spats of hot weather confirm the obvious: Summer is here at last! Sadly, though, this hasn’t started out as a normal summer — with many businesses still closed, state and national parks limiting visitors, events and concerts postponed or cancelled, beaches in some areas closed and other restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What to do?
Here’s an idea: get your fill of snowmobiling history with the book by International Snowmobile Hall of Fame journalist David Wells might be the ticket.
The book titled “Snow Goer‘s Vintage Snowmobiles” was released late last fall by renowned motorsports book publisher Enthusiast Books. The full-color, 126-page book is a collection of many of Wells’ greatest Timeline and Flashback articles from Snow Goer magazine.
Wells’ research into each and every article is what led him to Hall of Fame status – countless hours of research went into each of the 57 sleds that are featured in the book.

Obviously the “big four” brands are covered in the book — including but not limited to the Arctic Cat Kitty Cat, Panther VIP and Pantera, Polaris Colt and TX-L, Ski-Doo Super Olympique, T’NT and Formula SP and original Yamaha GPX and SRX.
Perhaps more interesting to collectors, longtime riders or sled aficionados, though, are the articles on interesting models from now-defunct brands — from popular John Deere, Rupp, Sno-Jet, Scorpion and Kawasaki to more unusual Ski-Zoom, MTD Columbia, Northway, Roll-O-Flex, Wheel Horse, Boatel and many, many more.
There are also feature articles included on rebadged and rejected snowmobiles, the great stock class racing wars and more.
The book retails for $34.95 and is available through many online book sellers. If, however, you order it directly through enthusiastbooks.com and use “SnowGoer” in the coupon box during checkout, you’ll receive a 20 percent discount.

Editor’s Note: Every Snow Goer issue includes in-depth sled reports and comparisons, aftermarket gear and accessories reviews, riding destination articles, do-it-yourself repair information, snowmobile technology and more. Subscribe to Snow Goer now to receive print and/or digital issues.