New Snowmobile Laws In New York

New York lawmakers passed legislation in June that affects snowmobilers on public trails in four ways.

First, the snowmobile speed limit is set at 55 mph for most trails statewide. Prior to this law, New York had no speed limit on snowmobile trails.

Second, there is a new “trail development fee” which is a portion of the $45 annual registration cost for snowmobile-club members and $100 for non-members, payable on registration. The fine for operating an unregistered snowmobile has jumped from $100 to $200.

The bill also bans riders younger than 14 from riding without an adult and without a snowmobile safety certificate.

An estimated 85 percent of the 10,000 miles of trails statewide are public and will be impacted by the new laws.

One thought on “New Snowmobile Laws In New York

  • How close is a snowmobile trail allowed to be placed next to a home ? My neighbor has allowed a trail to be placed on his property right up to my property line , unfortunately this is under 2 of our bedroom windows and bathroom . The noise , headlights and lack of privacy from snowmobiles and groomers is a bit much .
    Thank you for any help or pointing me in the direction I can find an answer .


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