Give Us Your Best Caption For What’s Hot or What’s Not

So, who would you rather be: The guy who tries to do something cool on their sled that doesn’t work out very well? Or that guy’s friend, who gets to see his buddy try and fail, but then gets stuck helping dig the sled out?

Either way, this image submitted by reader Rodney Ager is scheduled to be placed on the What’s Hot What’s Not page of Snow Goer magazine’s spring issue, and we’d like to give you a chance to help us determine the proper caption for the photo.

Generally, a good caption for this popular department in Snow Goer is three to eight words long, maybe a little bit sarcastic, snarky or funny, and doesn’t go to the overly obvious option of brand bashing.

If you have a good caption idea, you can either post it below in the comments section, post it on our message boards, or email me directly at And, if you’re getting some good snowmobiling images this winter, make sure to email them to that same address for your chance at being in the magazine.


3 thoughts on “Give Us Your Best Caption For What’s Hot or What’s Not

  • Avatar for Bruce Erickson

    HEY Bob I found your contact!!

  • Shoot! Throttle Stuck open!


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