ESPN’s X Games Director of Competition, Shawn Seward, announced this week the selection process for Winter X Games 13. A Selection Committee, made up of industry experts, will be formed to select all snowmobile athletes.
Each manufacturer’s Race Director will give nominations to the selection committee; although all rider nominations will be considered, no final selections are guaranteed.
Seward said the selection criteria would include the following:
1) Gold medalist from Winter X Games 12 is an automatic invite.
2) Other medalists from Winter X Games 12 and any medalists from past X Games may be invited.
3) Competition Results – All Major events, domestic and international, will be looked at to select athletes.
4) Media Exposure – A Rider who has gained considerable media exposure and/or outstanding performance in print, film, DVD or TV.
5) Legendary Status- Riders with exceptional competitive history and with the ability to compete at world class level.
6) Selected Riders must have the desire and ability to compete in the X games.
7) Injured Riders – If a rider is injured before final selections are made, the committee may replace that rider with any rider it so chooses.
If the rider is injured after the final selection date, the 1st alternate will go in and another alternate may be added with X games permission.
Seward also mentioned the Selection Committee members will be announced by Friday Aug 22nd and X Games will solidify all snowmobile sport disciplines and athlete field sizes by Sept 15th. Once these two determinations have been made, the selection process will start.
ISOC will continue to pass information along as we receive it from ESPN.