Arguably the coolest and most collectible issue of Snow Goer ever published, the special 50th Anniversary Collector’s Edition takes readers year-by-year through the history of snowmobiling — the fascinating snowmobiles, the cool old ads, the winners of the big events, etc.
From its launch in December of 1966 with a scenic cover through the Evinrudes, Sno Jets, Chaparrals, Rupps, John Deere and Kawasakis; covers featuring Michael Landon and visits to the Playboy mansion; the launch of the Phazer, Trail Cat, XLT and REV, the history of the sport is played out by looking back on the magazine’s pages. This issue even won a Gold Medal for Best Single-Focus Issue in a magazine awards program.
Well, we ordered an extra stack of these when the issue was published in the fall of 2016, and they got tucked away behind a stack of other things and were just unearthed… and our office manager is threatening to THROW THEM AWAY! Oh, the shame — that’s our sport’s history on display, not something that should be sent to a recycling center!
With that in mind, we’ve placed them for sale on our Snow Goer Store website, and cut the price about in half of what we would normally charge for them. Check them out.

Editor’s Note: Every Snow Goer issue includes in-depth sled reports and comparisons, aftermarket gear and accessories reviews, riding destination articles, do-it-yourself repair information, snowmobile technology and more. Subscribe to Snow Goer now to receive print and/or digital issues.