Snowmobiling. Ain’t it great? Planning a snowmobile trip can be a lot of work, but it’s just one of five things that turns an average snowmobile trip into a great one. Have your own opinion of what makes for a great snowmobile trip? Leave a note in the ‘comments’ section below.
1. People — It might seem that snowmobiles, the actual vehicles we ride, are the reason why people go snowmobiling, but in actuality it’s the people — for most riders, anyway — that motivates people to go on a snowmobile trip. You get that? People. OK. If it were more about the machines and less about the friendships and camaraderie, more riders would go on solo snowmobile trips and not bother sharing the fun with other people. Instead, groups of three, six, eight and more snowmobilers pack up their trucks and trailers and head out for snowmobile trips so they have more people with whom to share laughs, tell tall tales and create memories.
2. Anticipation — Oh the anticipation of a snowmobile trip. Booking the lodging, packing a gear bag, loading the trailer the night before an early morning departure. This is one of the best parts of a snowmobile trip because it gets the mind rolling, thinking ahead to what the trip might include. Is Marlon going to blow through another corner? Will Jim’s jalopy start on fire, again? What hilarious one-liner will my buddy Tweeks say this time? I can’t ever wait to find out.
3. Scenery — Frozen waterfalls, snow-covered meadows and sunlight making everything so bright. We snowmobilers are lucky souls because we get to see scenery that most people never will. Oh sure, the outdoors is awesome to see and experience year round, but it’s most spectacular in the winter when it’s covered by a blanket of white flakes of frozen water. The next time you round a corner on a trail and the view takes your breath away, think about all of your co-workers, neighbors and family members who’ve never experienced that — and probably never will — because they don’t ride snowmobiles.
4. The Snowmobiles — You can’t have a snowmobile trip without snowmobiles, and a fun sled turns a good snowmobile trip into a great one. I enjoy feeling the sled perform, carving through turns, responding instantly to my thumb and accelerating quickly, the suspension reacting to the terrain and giving a comfortable, playful ride.
5. A Purpose Or Adventure — It’s fun to have a destination or landmark, or something you want to experience with the rest of your riding group while on a snowmobile trip. The excitement of the unknown might make you wonder how far you’ll be able to see from an old fire lookout tower. You probably love adventures, so wouldn’t it be fun to find out if your sled will be able to climb the hill that leads to a dark cave where you’ll be able to sign a guest book? Or, simply deciding you want to make it back to the lodge before dark so you can soak in the hot tub provides a goal, and that makes a snowmobile trip more fun than riding aimlessly.